Mental Health Billing For Psychiatrists
Psychiatric billing is unique in that the codes typically used for billing to insurance companies are medical Evaluation and Management codes (E&M). However, Psychiatrists may use the typical mental health codes when they apply.
Mental Health Billing for Psychologists
Most Psychologists primarily perform various forms of psychotherapy which is the bread and butter of most mental health professionals. However, unique to psychology is the ability to provide other services such as various types of testing and biofeedback…
Mental Health Billing For Licensed Clinical Social Workers
Billshrinkers, Inc. has been providing mental health billing services for Licensed (Independent) Clinical Social Workers since its inception. Billshrinkers, Inc. is fully apprised of the proper way to code and bill your services to ensure maximum reimbursement for the services that you have provided…
Mental Health Billing for Marriage and Family Therapists
Billshrinkers, Inc. has been providing mental health billing services for Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists since its inception. Billshrinkers, Inc. is fully apprised of the proper way to code and bill your services to ensure maximum reimbursement for the services that you have provided…
Mental Health Billing for Licensed Professional Counselors
Billshrinkers, Inc. has been providing mental health billing services for Licensed (Clinical) Professional Counselors since those licenses were instituted. Billshrinkers, Inc. is fully apprised of the proper way to code and bill your services to ensure maximum reimbursement for the services that you have provided….
Mental Health Billing For Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
Mental health billing for services rendered by Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners is unique in that the codes typically used for billing to insurance companies are medical Evaluation and Management codes (E&M). However, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners may use the typical mental health codes when they apply…
Mental Health Billing For Nursing Homes / Assisted Living Facilities
Clinicians that provide services to patients living in various types of facilities face a challenge in ensuring that the services they provided will be paid for by insurance companies. Most patients in facilities are covered by Medicare or Medicaid – government plans that have specific requirements other than what commercial insurances would require….
Mental Health Billing For Multi-Specialty Groups
Today’s trend is for professionals to join together in larger groups as a cost saving measure. Billshrinkers, Inc. is particularly well-versed in managing the billing needs of larger groups of practitioners, including practitioner groups of various specialties….